Road Closed The Money Nerve

3 Tips for Overcoming Emotional Roadblocks

  • Bob Wheeler
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Negative vs. Positive: How to create positive financial decisions when plagued by negative emotional experiences regarding money.

Negative actions, words, or lifestyles have a more significant impact on your brain than the same number of positive interactions. Why is this? Being criticized, rebuked, or corrected in a spiteful or consistent manner can demoralize us. And we often allow those old, but powerful words to autocorrect ourselves again and again – resulting in repetitious and unsuccessful outcomes.

Emotional baggage can derail our financial goals and visions too! Dealing with money is going to be part of your life tomorrow, next weekend, on your vacation, and even on your birthday. Facing your emotions regarding finances is the first step. There is no physical harm in facing your financial reality. No one yet – has ever been stabbed by a bank account!

Emotions can cause us to feel panicked, afraid to make decisions, to plan for the future, to ignore our problems, and take away the freedom of conscious choice. When we are worried about the heights to which we can ascend, it often feels more comfortable to lower our expectations quietly. So how can we change this emotionally charged way of thinking into a more rational and proactive method of moving forward?

First, examine which negative voices or memories are affecting your finances today. Determine how these negative fears or choices are affecting your personal life. Explore who might be a financial champion (coach or teacher) to assist you in making changes.

Second, write down a logical plan of action to follow. Assess where you are financially right now! You can’t get to your ultimate destination if you don’t know your starting point. Take a good, hard look at your income, expenses, budgeting, time, and hidden costs. See where your money flows into your life and then out. This action plan is not a time for self-judgment; it is just a tally of the financial “flow.”

Third, begin writing in a journal daily. Protect your dreams. Choose a short-term, mid-term, and one long-term goal. Life is full of extraordinary opportunities, and writing down your most profound thoughts, and goals can propel you more quickly into seeing those dreams become a reality.

These three tips can reroute your financial journey and create a healthier relationship with your money!

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