Sometimes books about managing money are so complicated & long. This easy-to-read book is packed with tips on "why" you spend money & then gives you the tools for learning new habits to turn dreams into reality! Great book!
The Money Nerve was so inspiring that I had to stop reading so I could create a savings budget/plan. Once my budget was complete, I finished reading the rest of the book and am well on my way to savings and creating abundance in my life. Great reading and insights. I highly recommend it to all!
A new way of thinking about how we cope with money issues in our lives. The work of other authors takes a "mechanistic" approach to money issues. Bob Wheeler's work illuminates the "humanistic" inner struggle that triggers our stressors and impacts our daily decision making as it relates to money...
Easy to read format: like talking with a friend rather than reading technical lingo you can't understand. I liked that it encouraged thoughtfulness and active participation with the different "assignments" to explore and change patterns of thinking related to money. I also liked that it normalize...
Great little book. The Money Nerve will strike a nerve within you! The information in the book wakes us up to obvious but forgotten information. Stop feeling emotionally and financially trapped. Employ the easy to integrate techniques in this book and be on your way to financial solvency.
Amazing book, totally changing my life and really getting to the core of my money issues. Easy read I would recommend to all ages.
I have the pleasure of reading the book and had attended his classes along with Rev. Candice Gee. It is a good book and helps get to the heart of some of the blocks that prevent us from realizing our financial independence. I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to navigate the emotions sur...
Let's face it, we all have money issues. The money Nerve does an excellent job of getting to the source of those money issues. How encouraging to think that if major fortune 500 corporations can fail because of their money issues, then it's not that embarrassing for us regular folks to actually a...
This little book covers most of the little lies we tell ourselves and could be a timely wake-up call for, oh, say 90% of us. Yes, he does believe in the Law of Attraction, but, as the joke says, “you need to meet God half-way” and do the work.